Zaza Literature, Abdulaziz Beki, Diwon Çebexçuri, Concept Of LoveAbstract
The concept of love in literature has been one of the most frequently discussed themes in the form of human and divine love. Love, which is the extreme form of love, is sometimes treated as the love of God, sometimes as the love of the prophet(s), sometimes as love for parents, sometimes as love for sacred places and places, sometimes as passion for the opposite sex, and sometimes as commitment between the same sex. Love is an important concept in the "Cebexçuri Divan" of Abdulaziz Beki, one of the living figures of Zaza Literature. Love on the sofa; It is processed in the form of divine and human love. Within the framework of divine love, it deals with human and divine love around the love of the prophet, the love of holy places, and lovers such as Leyla and Mecnun, Ferhat and Şirin, Yusuf and Züleyha, Mem and Zin, whose love is legendary and the subject of masnavis. The concept of love is used in several meanings in the Divan. In some places, the subject of love is discussed, as if Fuzuli is saying, "The faithful lover of mine has only a name", and in other places, as if he is saying, "If you are Leyla, who is the Leyla in me?" In this study, these meanings are emphasized and examples from the divan are given.
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