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Firma Yenilikçiliği, Örgütsel Öğrenme, Firma Performansı, Aracı RolÖzet
The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between firm innovation, organizational learning and firm performance.In addition, the possible mediating role of organizational learning in the relationship between firm innovation and firm performance is also investigated. The sample of the research consists of 345 personnel working in the transportation sector in Istanbul. The data were collected online and face-to-face with the survey method and analyzed using the SPSS program. The research findings show that both firm innovation and organizational learning have important roles in increasing firm performance. In addition, it shows that organizational learning has a mediating role in the effect of firm innovation on firm performance. In light of the results obtained, managers and practitioners who want to increase the performance of their firms should understand the importance of their employees developing both innovative capacities and focusing on learning processes and should take these elements into consideration. Human resource practitioners seeking to improve firm performance must understand and consider the importance of both innovative capacity and learning processes when designing and evaluating selection and training process interventions
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Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 Erkan YAYLACI, Serhat ERAT, Yavuz Selim BALCIOĞLU, Mustafa GÜNALAN

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