


Climate change,, sustainability,, adaptation strategies,, awareness and education


The world is trying to cope with many problems. Climate change is one of the important global problems that occur as a result of the increase in greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere due to human activities. This situation causes temperature increases around the world, melting of glaciers, rising sea levels and frequent extreme weather events (such as hurricanes, droughts and fires). Problems such as negative impacts on agriculture, reduction of biodiversity and scarcity of water resources threaten human health and ecosystems. In this study, some basic problems and solution suggestions are given with a general approach. Sometimes it is possible to make big problems manageable with small measures. It is possible to deal with these problems, but for this, serious and determined steps must be taken at both individual, societal and governmental levels. Strategies such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy, and protecting and expanding carbon sinks are of vital importance. At the same time, adaptation strategies in agriculture, water management and urban planning should be developed to adapt to climate change. Awareness and education activities will increase awareness of combating climate change in all segments of society. Governments and the international community can manage this process through policies, regulations and collaborations. Although climate change is a major threat, it is possible to reduce its effects and build a more sustainable future with the right steps.


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