Preschool Period, Obesity, Causes Of Obesity, The Effect Of Obesity On EducationAbstract
This research was carried out in order to investigate the effect of obesity on preschool education, one of the most important problems of today, unhealthy diet and an inactive life. The research was carried out with the participation of 20 teachers working in official kindergartens affiliated to the Directorate of National Education of Konyaaltı District of Antalya Province in the 2023-2024 academic year. In the study, in which the qualitative research method was used, the data were collected through structured interviews with the teachers of the students with obesity problems. Teachers' anecdotes are also included in the interview. As a result of the analysis of the interviews, it was seen that the teachers, especially in the preschool period, could not adequately diagnose obesity and the families and teachers did not have enough information about the subject. Preschool period constitutes the building block of a person's life. Habits acquired during this period are of vital importance. As the result of the research showed us; It has been revealed that the students who have obesity problems have obesity problems not because of their health problems, but because of the wrong diet and sedentary lifestyle. It has been observed that children who are sedentary due to technological devices are faced with the problem of obesity due to an irregular diet with ready-to-eat foods and chocolate. The most important effect of obesity on education in the preschool period coincides with Erik Erikson's periods of basic trust versus distrust, autonomy versus doubt and shame, entrepreneurship versus guilt, and negatively affects the student's personality development. It was observed that the student, who was not accepted enough among his friends, was reluctant to participate in active games and activities involving competition. In activities that require cognitive skills, although they show the bar, there are cases where there is a lot of absenteeism from school because they get tired quickly and sweat often, and therefore they are behind their peers from time to time. Based on the findings of the study, various suggestions have been presented in order to prevent the negative effects of obesity in the following years in the most important period of life.
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