Dystopian Space, Cinema, Batman, Gotham, Architecture, Interior Architecture, Science Fiction, Utopia, DystopiaAbstract
This study aims to examine the perception of dystopian spaces in cinema through the example of Batman films. The research focuses on how Gotham City, as a fictional setting in the Batman series adapted for the screen, is depicted with dystopian elements and how this depiction relates to architecture. The paper initially conducts a literature review on the place of cinema within visual arts and its intersections with architecture. It emphasizes how spatial perception has been shaped by technological advancements and the proliferation of visual culture products. This relationship between cinema and architecture is particularly addressed through science fiction and dystopian films. The historical development of the Batman character and Gotham City is examined, and a comparative analysis of the dystopian space design in Batman films from 1966 to 2022 is conducted. Gotham City is considered a typical dystopian setting with its dark atmosphere, high concrete structures, and lack of green spaces. The research methodology involves viewing Batman films from 1966 and 2022 and performing a semiotic analysis of the spaces in these films in terms of dystopian elements. The analysis is conducted within the framework of Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic theory to understand how the spaces in the films are interpreted. In conclusion, the study discusses how the perception of dystopian spaces in Batman films affects viewers' understanding of space and architecture. In this context, the relationship between cinema and architecture and interior architecture, and the contributions of this relationship to design processes are evaluated.
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