Artificial ıntelligence, artificial ıntelligence in education, ınternational artificial ıntelligence strategiesAbstract
The accelerated advancement and global dissemination of artificial intelligence technologies have heightened interest in the artificial intelligence strategies of countries and underscored the significance of these strategies. As of 2024, 63 countries have published their national artificial intelligence strategies. These strategies address the potential impacts of artificial intelligence on a range of sectors, including education, health, finance, transportation, production, agriculture, and law. They also outline plans for addressing these impacts. This research project aims to examine the role of education in the context of internationally published artificial intelligence strategy reports. In particular, it will investigate how countries include education in their artificial intelligence strategies and how they integrate artificial intelligence into their education systems. Furthermore, it will evaluate the similarities and differences in education strategies within the framework of the socio-economic structures and national priorities of the countries in question. Finally, it will make suggestions for the efficient use of artificial intelligence in education.
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