autism spectrum disorder, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence-supported applicationsAbstract
The aim of this review study is to examine the effect of artificial intelligence applications in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. The systematic review method was used in this study and no field study or scale was used. 13 randomized controlled studies in Turkish and English literature published between 2016-2024 were reviewed. As a result of these 13 studies, it was seen that artificial intelligence-supported applications are a method that can be used effectively in teaching skills in different developmental areas to individuals with autism spectrum disorder. It was seen that artificial intelligence-supported wearable behavioral interventions, tablet-based applications and humanoid robots contribute to the development of social, emotional and communication skills of children with autism, and are effective in establishing eye contact, recognizing facial expressions and developing joint attention. However, in order for artificial intelligence applications to become more widely applicable in the treatment of ASD, more evidence-based randomized controlled studies are needed to verify the effectiveness of artificial intelligence applications in the treatment of ASD and to make them suitable for general use.
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