Transdisciplinary teaching approaches, mathematical modeling, modeling competenciesAbstract
The integration of programs is an approach or teaching strategy aimed at teaching knowledge, skills, and values obtained from different disciplines in a more meaningful way as a concept. The purpose of this study is to investigate how modeling creation activities, prepared with an interdisciplinary approach, reflect in the modeling process. The research, conducted using the teaching experiment method, was carried out with a sample group of 18 students from the 7th grade of ha public school in the Altıeylül district of Balıkesir province during the 2023-2024 academic year. The "Recycling" theme was determined, and students worked in groups on modeling creation activities prepared within the framework of the transdisciplinary approach. In this study, the "Detergent Consumption Problem" was chosen from the modeling creation activities applied through group work. The data of the study consist of transcriptions of video and audio recordings, which include the discussions of the groups during the solution of the problem and their presentations in class, researcher's observation notes, and student work documents. To analyze the data, the Modeling Competency Evaluation Rubric [MCER] was used to determine the levels of the groups' modeling competencies. The data, analyzed through descriptive analysis, were evaluated using the MCER, which was developed within a cognitive perspective, to determine the students' levels of mathematical modeling competencies.
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