The integrity of the Qur'an, Siqaq-sibak, Zerae, to create, to cultivateAbstract
The Qur'an has used the words and concepts used by its first counterparts as a book that has been spoken with the Arabic
language. As in other languages in the Arabic language, the words have the property of being synonymous and spoken. This is
called Wujûh and Nezâir in Tafsir literature. Despite the different meanings of the words, it is the context of the word that
reveals the meaning of the meaning in the sentence. The Qur'an also contains synonyms and spoken words as an Arabic book.
It is the context of that bald which reveals what meaning these words are used and what is its purpose. In tafsir literature it is
called siyak and sibak. It is seen that the verses related to a subject are interspersed within the Qur'an as they are not divided
into Qur'anic subjects. For this reason, it is necessary to first look at the use of that verse or calm in the Qur'anic whole and in
the Qur'anic unity in order to reveal the meaning of a verse or a calf passing in one month. One of these words is the verb
"Zerae ذرأ "in the 179 th verse of the Araf Sura. The meaning of Zerae ذرأ is used in the meaning of "creation, bread, sewing,
exposing, cultivating, finishing the plant" within the Quranic vernacular unity of the Qur'anic verb meaning "created قخل " in
many interpretations and meanings. However, both the use of the balun in the integrity of the Qur'an, but also the Qur'an is not
permissible. Because, when this meaning is taken into account in the unity of the Qur'an, it seems that it does not conform to
the purpose of creation. It is a known fact that the purpose of creation of demons and humans is to worship Allah