


Urban Agriculture, Sustainability, Peri-Urban Agriculture


Rapid population growth in cities, urban sprawl, and disproportionate resource consumption have disrupted the ecological balance. In order to meet the growing food demand of the urban population, alternative solutions must be developed. Urban agriculture can address the food and food security needs of urban residents. Through short supply chains, the production, processing, distribution, and marketing of agricultural products ensure efficient use of both time and space. Moreover, urban agriculture significantly contributes to sustainability by reducing waste generation and improving energy efficiency.

The aim of this study is to identify the potential for urban agriculture in the Menemen district of İzmir Province. Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), one of the multi-criteria decision-making methods, 12 criteria and sub-criteria weights were calculated to determine the urban agriculture potential. As a result, areas with high potential for urban agriculture in Menemen were identified using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). More than 50% of the district’s total area (approximately 588 km²) comprises land suitable for agriculture. Based on the suitability analysis of urban and peri-urban areas with respect to sustainable agriculture, the findings indicate that Menemen exhibits a high potential for urban agriculture.


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